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Previous Revisions Approved 09/2009, 08/2003
Current Revision Approved 04/20/2012
- The name of this organization shall
be the Hudson Valley Psychological
Association, hereafter referred to as
the "HVPA."
- The purposes of HVPA shall be:
- To provide a basis for
professional growth and association
among practicing psychologists in
the Hudson Valley.
- To safeguard the interests of
the public and the profession.
- To inform the public about the
profession and the science of
- To cultivate psychologically
healthy communities.
- HVPA is and shall remain
structurally independent and financially
self-supporting, although HVPA will
cooperate with initiatives and requests
from the New York State Psychological
Association (NYSPA) and the American
Psychological Association (APA), on a
case by case basis, when such
cooperation is fully consistent with
HVPA purposes and can be accomplished
through available HVPA resources.
- Persons applying for VOTING
membership shall be licensed to practice
Psychology in New York State or shall
hold a doctoral degree in psychology
from an accredited academic institution.
Licensure documentation shall be
provided at the time of initial
application, and will be updated every
five years. Non-licensed psychologist
shall provide a copy of their diploma at
the time of initial application.
- Psychology interns can apply for a
non-voting membership.
- Additional documentation shall be
provided when requested by a standing
- Continued membership in good
standing is contingent on
- Paying all required dues on
- Subscribing to the purposes of
- Maintaining ethical standards of
professional conduct as set forth by
the American Psychological
Association and the New York State
Psychological Association.
- All complaints relating to potential
or suspected violations of professional
ethics will be directed to the President
of the Executive Committee. The
President will promptly confer with the
Executive Committee to determine
appropriate action, which may include
but is not limited to the following:
suspending member benefits; conferring
with the Ethics Committee of the New
York State Psychological Association,
and/or the American Psychological
- Annual Dues shall
be determined by the Board of Directors.
Increases in dues will be subject to the
approval of the membership.
- Membership dues for
NON-voting members shall be
one-half the rate of the full membership
- The Membership Year
runs from July1st through June 30th.
Payment for membership renewal is
expected no later than September 15.
Failure to pay dues shall result in a
review of the Member’s status by the
Membership Committee, who will make
recommendations to the Board of
Directors regarding the termination of
Member benefits.
- New Members may
apply and be accepted to membership at
any point in the membership year.
- An individual with extenuating
circumstances may apply in writing to
the Board for a discount or waiver of
- Members who have reached the age of
70 are eligible to be exempt from dues,
while retaining all other rights and
privileges of the Association.
- The Board of Directors shall be the
administrative body of HVPA and shall
exercise general supervision and control
over the property and affairs of the
- The Board of Directors shall consist
of eight (8) voting members:
- The Executive Committee of five
(5) elected Officers: President,
President Elect, Immediate Past
President, Secretary, and Treasurer
- The three (3) Chairpersons of
the following standing committees:
- Program.
- Communications.
- Membership and Outreach.
- A quorum or simple majority of
voting Board members must be present in
order for the Board of Directors to
conduct official business.
- Ad-hoc committees may be appointed,
by the Board of Directors, in response
to emergent HVPA needs, to perform
specific tasks on behalf of HVPA:
- General membership approval is
not necessary for creating Ad-Hoc
- Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs shall
not have Board voting rights.
- Ad-Hoc Committees are
automatically dissolved when their
assigned tasks are completed or at
the close of the term in which they
were appointed, whichever is sooner.
- The Officers of HVPA shall:
- Be members in good standing in
- Promote the purposes of HVPA.
- Uphold the Constitution and
By-laws of HVPA.
- The term of each office shall be one
(1) year and shall begin on July 1.
- The President
- Chair the Executive Committee
and the Board of Directors.
- Ensure the smooth functioning of
all business necessary to the
survival of HVPA.
- Serve as liaison between the
Board and emergent community
partners, with particular concern
for increasing public awareness
about HVPA and for improving
coordination of services and
resources between HVPA members and
the larger Hudson Valley community.
- In the absence or incapacity of the
President, the President-Elect
shall assume and perform the duties of
the President. The President-Elect
- Attend Executive Committee and
Board of Directors meetings.
- Oversee the HVPA Telephone line:
- Identify, orient and oversee
member volunteers to retrieve
messages and respond to callers.
- Check and maintain outgoing
message and recording equipment
and contracts.
- Automatically assume the
position of President for one year,
immediately following his/her term
as President-Elect.
- In the absence and/or incapacity of
both the President and the
President-Elect, the Immediate
Past-President may assume and perform
the duties of the President. The
Immediate Past-President shall:
- Continue as a voting member of
both the Executive Committee and the
Board of Directors for one year
following his/her term as President.
- Serve as liaison between the
Board and other professional
organizations, especially NYSPA and
APA, and particularly in regard to
political and professional interests
that overlap with those of HVPA.
- Request that the Hudson Valley
Representative to NYSPA Council
provide a summary report on
pertinent NYSPA activities to the
HVPA Board at least twice annually
(November and March), and shall
provide quarterly summaries of HVPA
Board activities to same NYSPA
- The Secretary
- Oversee the General Membership
voting process, including:
- Nominations,
- Distribution and collection
of ballots,
- Verification and counting of
all votes.
- Carry out all voting procedures
in accordance with timeframes
specified in these By-laws,
including voting pertaining to
Annual Elections, Special Elections,
Endorsements, Referenda, and
Constitutional Amendments.
- Write minutes and keep the
records of all HVPA meetings.
- Ensure timely, hardcopy
distribution of major HVPA documents
to members who do not have email.
- Compile and update member
address label document annually, and
as needed.
- May perform additional clerical
duties if authorized by and at the
request of the Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer
- Have custody of the funds of
HVPA, and receive and deposit all
association income.
- Sign checks and drafts on behalf
of HVPA.
- Administer the annual budget and
provide periodic financial reports
(as specified in Article VII.)
- Receive renewal dues and advise
the Membership Chair and
Communications Chair of renewals
within 14 days of receiving dues.
- Collect and distribute mail
addressed to HVPA.
- Perform additional duties in
relation to finance duties if
authorized by and at the request of
the Executive Committee.
- The fiscal year and Membership year
runs from July 1st through June 30th.
The Board is responsible to maintain the
fiscal health of HVPA in general, with
specifically designated duties as noted
- Annual Summary Income and
Expenditures Report:
- By July 10th, the immediate past
Treasurer shall prepare and submit a
written summary of the past year’s
income and expenditures to the new
Board of Directors.
- At the request of the President,
all Board members will forward
questions and comments to the
Treasurer no later than July 20th.
- The Report will:
- Include all financial data
for the fiscal year having just
closed on June 30th.
- Provide a comparison of
actual income and expenditures
versus amounts reflected in the
approved budget.
- Be read at the Annual
- Require that a majority of
voting members present at the
Annual Meeting approve its
- If the Annual Summary Income and
Expenditures Report does not receive
approval by the majority present at
the Annual Meeting, a thorough
investigation will be commenced by
the incoming Board, the results of
which will be shared with the
General Membership no later than 30
days after the Annual Meeting.
- The Treasurer will reconcile the
bank statement and ledger by July
- Preliminary Budget:
- The Treasurer and Committee
Chairs will develop a proposed
budget with the Board of Directors
for comment by July 31st. This
budget will be based on the previous
year’s budget and the proposed plans
for the new year, and will include:
- Projected dues and other
- Projected organizational
- Projected Committee
- By August 31st, the Board will
approve the Preliminary Budget.
- At the Annual Meeting, the
Treasurer will present the
Preliminary Budget to the General
Membership for comment and approval
by the voting members.
- The actual working budget shall
initially conform to the Approved
Budget, but is subject to modification
as needed and when voted upon by the
current Board of Directors.
- Quarterly income and expenditure
reports, including corresponding
checkbook balances and copies of bank
statements, will be provided by the
Treasurer to the Board of Directors for
- There shall be four (4) standing
committees of HVPA as follows:
- Executive Committee of the Board
of Directors
- Program Committee
- Communications Committee
- Membership and Outreach
- Each Committee is responsible for
submitting to the Board of Directors the
following written reports:
- A Proposed Annual Plan,
including anticipated expenses and
timeframes. This shall be submitted
by the Committee Chair, in writing,
to the Board of Directors by August
15th. These Plans will be presented
for comment at the Annual Meeting.
By the October Board Meeting, a
finalized Annual Plan will be
completed by each Committee Chair.
- Quarterly progress reports,
providing updates and/or
modifications to the Annual Plan.
- An annual written summary report
to the Secretary to be read at the
Annual Meeting.
- The Executive Committee
of the Board of Directors shall:
- Manage and supervise the
day-to-day activities of HVPA.
- Make policy decisions on urgent
HVPA business between meetings of
the Board of Directors.
- Report any interim decisions
back to the full Board of Directors
at its next scheduled meeting.
- Standing Committee Chairs
shall agree to serve for the full (or
remaining) term, and must be ratified by
the General Membership before they may
vote on the Board of Directors. Either
of the following methods will serve to
ratify a Standing Committee Chair:
- A simple majority vote of
members present at the Annual
- A majority approval vote of
ballots received from at least 30%
of eligible voters at the time of
the vote.
- Vacant Chairs of
Standing Committees shall be appointed
by The Executive Committee. Chairs
appointed by the Board cannot vote on
the Board until ratified by the
- The tenure of the Program
Committee Chairperson is the
same as that of the President during
whose term he/she is designated. The
Program Committee shall:
- Recommend an Annual Budget and
Program Plan to include events and
activities that provide professional
development and social networking
- Implement the Board-approved
Program Plan:
- Recommend and monitor the
budget, expenses, and fees.
- Collaborate with the
Executive Committee and the
Communications Committee to
market and publicize planned
programs and activities.
- The tenure of the
Communications Committee
Chairperson is the same as that of the
President during whose term he/she is
designated. The Communications Committee
- Recommend an Annual Budget and
Communications Plan and schedule for
managing and upgrading electronic
and other association communication
tools, including but not limited to:
- HVPA Website, HVPA Listserv,
and Member Data Base.
- Collaborative efforts with
the Program Committee such as
assisting with event invitations
and program announcements.
- Collaborative efforts with
the Membership Committee to
include maintenance of the
Member Data Base and Listserv.
- Assistance to the Executive
Committee with public relations
such as brochures and press
- Implement the Board-approved
Communications Plan:
- Solicit contractors.
- Recommend and monitor the
budget, expenses, and fees.
- With assistance from the
Membership Chair, compile, test and
update member E- mail list, and
distribute the list to the Board
twice per year on or about October 1
and March 1.
- The Membership and Outreach
Committee Chairperson will
typically begin a two-year term on July
1 of odd-numbered years. The Membership
and Outreach Committee shall:
- Recommend an Annual Budget and
Membership and Outreach Plan to
recruit and retain Members.
- Implement the Board-approved
Membership and Outreach Plan.
- Oversee the annual Membership
Renewal process:
- Send a request for dues on
July 15 via the list serve.
Renewing Members are required to
send dues to the Treasurer via
US mail or electronic payment,
on or before September 15.
- To ensure maximum Membership
retention, send email reminders
to renew on August 15 and
September 1st.
- Retain all new and renewal
membership forms and documents.
- Maintain a current member
contact list that includes voting
status, home and business addresses,
telephone numbers and e-mail contact
information. The Committee will
update and provide this list to the
Board twice a year (October1 and
March1), as well as interim updates
at each Board meeting.
- Assist the Communications Chair
with assembling and verifying a
member e-mail list twice a year,
October 1 and March 1.
- The President presides over all
business meetings of the Executive
Committee, and of the Board of
- The meeting chairperson (usually the
President) may not vote except in the
case of a tie.
- In the case of in-person meetings
and conference calls, the rules
contained in the current issue of
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the
basis for procedure.
- An Annual Meeting of the
General Membership, also known
as the Annual Meeting, shall:
- Be held every September.
- Be co-chaired by the Immediate
Past President and the President.
- Require a quorum consisting of
either thirty (30) percent of the
voting membership or ten voting
members, whichever is smaller.
- Include a summary report of HVPA
business for the year just ended,
i.e., reports read aloud to be
included in the minutes from the
five outgoing officers, the three
standing committees, and Ad Hoc
Committees as appropriate.
- Provide election results for all
incoming officer positions.
- Enable the incoming Executive
Committee to solicit and obtain
ratification of all vacant standing
committee chairs.
- The newly-elected President shall
call an initial face-to-face meeting of
the Executive Committee and an initial
face-to-face meeting of the Board of
Directors at least four weeks before the
Annual Meeting to discuss the
Preliminary Budget and Plans for the
- Additional meetings shall be
arranged by the President or respective
Committee chairs as needed to conduct
necessary HVPA business. Other than the
initial meetings of the Executive
Committee and Board of Directors, and
the Annual Meeting, HVPA business may,
at the discretion of the respective
Chairs, either be conducted during
in-person meetings, by phone, or via
electronic means.
- The primary means of communications
within the Committees and throughout
HVPA will be electronic and/or
telephonic. Wherever possible, official
communications and announcements will be
sent out via E-mail. Members who are
unable to receive e-mail may request
receipt via regular mail for the year
upon payment of a postage and handling
surcharge equivalent to 50% of that
year’s standard annual member fee.
- Special business meetings may be
called at any time by the President or
by the Board of Directors, or upon
written petition of one-third of the
voting membership presented to the
- An Eligible Voter
is defined as a Voting Member who has
paid his/her dues and supplied all
required documentation as of the final
voting deadline.
- A valid election requires receipt of
ballots from at least 30% of Eligible
Voters as of the final voting deadline.
- On April 30, the Secretary
will send out (electronically or via
post) to the voting eligible General
Membership a Call for Nominations for
the following positions:
President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Chairs of the Program and the
Communications Committees. In odd years,
the Call for Nominations will also
include the Chair of the Membership and
Outreach Committee. Members may nominate
themselves or other members for any of
these positions.
- On May 21, the Secretary
will submit a draft of the Election
Ballot to the Board for approval. The
Board of Directors will verify the
ability and willingness to serve of each
nominee prior to listing him/her as a
candidate on the final ballot.
- On June 5, the Secretary
will send (electronically or via post)
the Election Ballot to the voting
eligible General Membership.
- Candidates’ names shall be
listed in alphabetical order.
- The Ballot will indicate an
email-in voting deadline of
June 20.
- Election Procedures:
- The outgoing Secretary shall
collect, validate and count the
- When there is more than one
person running for any office, the
Secretary will copy to a separate
file, or print out every email
ballot received, including a full
internet header which shows the date
and time of transmission, server,
identity of sender, identity of
recipient, and unique message
- The candidate with the largest
number of eligible votes wins the
- In the event of a tie, the
President shall cast the
tie-breaking vote.
- Election Results are announced
via Email on June 25,
and at the Annual Meeting.
- The title of Immediate
Past-President is automatically
conferred to the outgoing President.
7. The title of President is
automatically conferred to the
outgoing President-Elect.
- Amendments to these By-Laws may be
initiated in any one of
the following ways:
- A majority vote of those present
and voting at an Annual Meeting.
- By action of the Board of
- On a petition signed by
one-third of the voting membership
filed with the HVPA Secretary.
- In order to ratify
an amendment during the Annual
Meeting, the following two
conditions must be in place:
- A copy of the proposed amendment
must be provided (electronically or
via post) to all voting-eligible
members at least one (1) month prior
to the date of the Annual Meeting.
- A favorable vote must be made by
two- thirds of the voting-eligible
members who are present at the
meeting or have sent in an absentee
ballot at least five days prior to
the Annual Meeting.
- In order to ratify an amendment at
times other than at the
Annual Meeting, the following three
conditions must be in place:
- A copy of the copy of the
proposed amendment must be provided
(electronically or via post) to all
voting-eligible members at least one
(1) month prior to the date of the
voting deadline.
- If any emailed “NO” votes are
received, the Secretary will copy
all emailed votes to a separate
file, or print out every vote
received, including full internet
header, which shows the date and
time of transmission, server,
identity of sender, identity of
recipient, and unique message
- The Amendment will be considered
passed when two-thirds of the
voting-eligible members favorably
respond via E-mail or post by the
Revision Approved 04/20/2012