Hudson Valley Psychological Association

Upcoming CE Presentations

HVPA members enjoy free access to upcoming presentations which also are eligible for CE Credits. Non-HVPA members are welcome to join us for these presentations for a fee. Please consider joining HVPA to enjoy free access to these and future CE presentations.

There are no currently scheduled CE Presentations. Please check back for updates.

Past CE Presentations

Click below to view past presentations and materials. CEs are no longer available for these presentations, but the recorded presentations and accompanying materials are available for self-learning.

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) by Susan Morduch, Ph.D.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

This two-hour webinar will provide participants with an introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, also known as ACT. Dr. Morduch will describe the theoretical underpinnings of ACT, along with the six core ACT processes. Participants will learn about the metaphors commonly used in ACT which are designed to facilitate experiential learning. In addition, participants will also engage with the material themselves to experience ACT methods. Lastly, an interactive diagram, the ACT Matrix, will be presented as a strategy for increasing a client's psychological flexibility.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (said as one word – ‘ACT’) is a widely recognised and evidence-based approach to psychotherapy. ACT was developed in the 1980s by psychologist Steven C. Hayes, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno.

2 CE credits for NYS Psychologists (only) are provided upon course's completion.

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Interpersonal Defense Theory presented by Michael Westerman Ph.D.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

This webinar will make use of clinical material and opportunities for discussion to familiarize participants with Interpersonal Defense Theory. The theory provides an interpersonal reconceptualization of defense processes that has important implications for how to work with many, although not all, difficult patients. These implications extend to work with patients who would typically not be identified as difficult, but who actually present real challenges to therapists because they engage in the therapy relationship in ways marked by more subtle, recurring appearances of interpersonal defenses. Note that although the theory reflects the influence of psychoanalytic perspectives in some respects, it also departs from those perspectives in many notable ways. In fact, the theory has treatment implications for a broad range of therapy approaches.

3 CE credits for NYS Psychologists (only) are provided upon course's completion.

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Adult ADHD Assessment presented by Lenore Strocchia-Rivera, Ph.D.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

This two-hour presentation will provide participants with a sequential framework for conducting a first-time ADHD assessment of adults to minimize the risk of committing errors in the diagnostic process. A variety of tools and strategies will be presented, along with the benefits and limits of using them. Since ADHD symptoms are transdiagnostic, the presenter will discuss the importance of ruling out other explanations for the symptoms as well as ruling in comorbid disorders. Finally, the presenter will discuss the issue of functional impairment and how it can manifest in adults with ADHD.

2 CE credits for NYS Psychologists (only) are provided upon course's completion.

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Preventing Secondary Traumatic Stress with Mindful Self-Care presented by James Halpern, Ph.D.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Research demonstrates that exposure to and treating trauma survivors leads to vicarious trauma, burnout and compassion fatigue. Participants will learn the differences between these occupational hazards and do preliminary self-risk assessments for each of them. They will learn how to identify the warning signs of these dangers as well as the situational, personal and belief-based barriers to self-care. Despite the risks involved in working with trauma survivors, the meaning and fulfillment found in assisting others can provide compassion satisfaction. Mindful self-care strategies will be reviewed so that participants can cultivate wellness, compassion satisfaction and vicarious post-traumatic growth.

2 CE credits for NYS Psychologists (only) are provided upon course's completion.

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A Biopsychosocial Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Pain presented by Jaimee Arnoff, Ph.D.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

This training explores early theories and definitions of pain, with a focus on the biopsychosocial nature of chronic pain. Starting with the biological component, discussion of the nervous system and its impact will be covered. During the psychological component, emphasis will be placed on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as well as Pain Reprocessing Therapy. Tools that can be generalized to other presenting concerns including journaling, mindfulness, self-soothing, and somatic tracking will be reviewed, with child-specific recommendations noted as well. The social component focuses on the impact of the chronic pain community, as well as strategies to facilitate effective conversations between people in pain and their support network. Learn how to support clients toward a mind-body connection through a lens of safety rather than fear.

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Dying to Live: Broadening Death Awareness for Yourself and Your Patients presented by Dr. Joy Dryer

Saturday, December 2, 2023

We will all die. We know this. But both our culture in general, and our mental health profession in particular, suppress awareness of our mortality, and avoid talking about death. Why such bias? Denial? This workshop addresses our perpetual oscillation between “slipping into that dreaded abyss, (and) insulating ourselves in protective omnipotent defenses “ (Shabad, 2016). Via experiential small groups, we’ll address how talking about death, to ourselves and to our patients, can enhance our experience of living our lives fully. We’ll write and talk through this protocol together. In this training we will look at history, literature, vignettes, Freud, our culture, AND how our profession avoids acknowledging the impact of our actual death. We will share views & discuss ‘existential orientation’ protocols that suggest how to talk with patients about their feelings, attitudes, beliefs about dying and their own inevitable death. Practical suggested protocols will be reviewed.

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Somatic Tools for Psychotherapists presented by Dr. Shideh Lennon

Sunday, October 1, 2023

This workshop will focus on practical tools to integrate somatic techniques into talk therapy to promote greater nervous system regulation for both client and therapist and to increase the effectiveness of the work by promoting a greater capacity for embodiment. We will go over some basic and easy to digest nervous system functions and how they promote either regulation or dysregulation. We will discuss ways to increase awareness of the body in ourselves and our clients through the use of languaging and simple somatic interventions. We will use experiential exercises for participants to get a felt sense of these experiences in their own bodies. We will go over various r regulation techniques that can be used on the spot and easily taught to clients.

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Psychological, Biological and Relationship Factors in the Treatment of Low Sexual Desire in Women - An Integrative Approach presented by Ken Pollock

Sunday, May 7, 2023

A comprehensive didactic and experiential overview of both the agonists and antagonists of women’s desire for sex, sexual arousal, and sex with a partner, including guidelines for how psychologists can help their patients address sexual problems. The program will include a partial experiential component which shall address the role of therapist anxiety and countertransference in treating sexual concerns. Particular attention will also be devoted to examining the power of the sexual partner in affecting the other’s desire.

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Clinical Use of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) presented by Rebecca Rooney, PhD

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping is an evidence based Energy Psychology technique rooted in the traditional Asian practice of Acupuncture and on the theory of Energy Meridians in the human body. EFT, a simple six step acupressure process, is used for a wide variety of clinical issues including anxiety, fear, trauma, pain, weight loss, identity issues, and stress. The presentation includes: 1) an overview of the research concerning the effectiveness of EFT; 2) EFT protocol and variations; 3) Clinical use of EFT for more serious clinical diagnoses, such as PTSD.

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