Hudson Valley Psychological Association

All HVPA Members are trained at the doctoral level.  Through our Association, we  enjoy many opportunities for professional development:

  • Presenting to colleagues on our own work and areas of expertise.
  • Networking for the sake of referral and to build our private practices.
  • Sharing resources and treatment approaches to better assist clients.
  • Supporting each other through HVPA socials and professional events.
  • Educating the public on specific topics in psychology.
  • Joining in local and national advocacy efforts on behalf of our profession.
  • Discounts on practice website services and hosting (offered by our site administrator.)

Members receive referrals through HVPA's telephone line referral service.  Practice information for all members are also accessible to the public via this website.  Members also share access to the HVPA listserv.

Click here to complete the membership form both for prospective members as well as renewal forms for current members.